Thursday 9 December 2010

Why Learn a Foreign Language?

We all worry about the difficulties of learning a new language. In reality anyone who is dedicated enough can learn and be fluent in any language. Surely it takes time, but if you practice a little each day you will be soon speaking the language you want.
There are various resources around to help, i.e. you can buy or borrow language tapes from the library or even go online. There are also books that can help. I suggest that like anything else, start with the simplest. Get children’s books in the language you desire, be it French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese etc or even Zulu. My advice is not to concern yourself with grammar at the beginning. Start with the vocabulary to begin in with and once you mastered enough vocabulary the grammar will follow. May be it might be of help to increase the number of reasons to learn a foreign language from 3 to 5.
I don’t need to explain the importance and advantages of knowing foreign languages in these economic times. Basically you are more marketable, as you are able to take advantage of the global market and movement. In short you are able to traverse countries and in reality you are an assert to your company or organisation.
Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.
The limits of my language are the limits of my universe.
(Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Perhaps if like me you enjoy the food and/or drink of a particular country or region and make regular foreign trips there, or getting into grasps with menu or their recipe books.
Secret Communication
This is self explanatory. Did you know that Speakers of such Native American languages as Navajo, Choctaw and Cheyenne served as radio operators, known as Code Talkers, to keep communications secret during the first and Second World Wars? Welsh speakers played a similar role during the Bosnian War
One language is never enough!
If like me you're a bit of a linguaphile / glossophile / linguaholic or whatever you call someone who is fascinated by languages and enjoys learning them, then one language is never enough.
I actually found some great language training material on the site below. Try it, and tell me what you think of it:

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

(Nelson Mandela)